Tuesday 17 July 2018




Well as per my friend's experience, the next step was seeing a Naturopath that her son had been seeing.  Her explanation was that this Naturopathic Doctor will take all the unknown out of the equation.  By doing a treatment call NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) it will desensitize him to what he's reacting to that is right now unknown.   I had not had a very good experience with an ND for myself in the past, but my friend's son was proof that what she was preaching was working for them.  I thought, what do we have to lose?  We'll try it for a while and see what it does.  Was I skeptical? Oh, you better believe it.

We took him for treatments for 1 month and did see quite some change in him.  After a month and many treatments, we decided to take a break and also were a bit more lenient on his food intake.  2 months later, I spoke with his teacher and she said I might want to get him tested for a hyperactive disorder (it was never something that I discussed with the school).  That day I told the teacher our story and told her I would start his ND treatments again and buckle down on his food intake again and would talk to her again in a couple months.  (She for sure thought I was crazy).   2 months later, I spoke with the teacher again, she couldn't believe that acupressure and nutrition was the only change we had done.  She said, "whatever you're doing is working, keep doing it".

I won't go into great details in this post of our success with NAET because it's far too long, I'll add another post to detail that.   Our success was so great that I was treated for a serious dye allergy and seasonal allergies myself and had great success.  

The NAET treatment is not an overnight cure, it sure is a long process, but the benefits that came with it is unmeasurable.  It has taken away all the guessing of food and environmental sensitivities.  Along the way, we were able to figure out that my son was reacting to chemical cleaners, pool water, paints, all things we would not have been able to figure out while just changing his foods.   We have been working with our amazing doctor for 11 months now and will continue to work with her for as long as we feel it's still right. 

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